News from St Mary West Melbourne:

Ordinary Time

Jan 15, 2024

- not so ordinary.

We have now entered the ordinary time period in our liturgical calendar. It certainly can feel ordinary for most of us as we transition from the highlights of our Christmas celebrations, new year catch ups, work and school holidays, back to old routines. For the Church, the Advent and Christmas seasons were a period of expectation and celebration of God’s gift to humanity, and for many of us, this out-of-the-ordinary time of year was a time to break away from our toils, to embrace the gift of family and friendships, and prepare ourselves for the year ahead with the hope of seeing the fruit of our new resolutions and God’s gift of peace and love to truly manifest in our lives.

Looking back to the events in the lives of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; the news of the coming of our Saviour (The Annunciation), the journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the visit of the Magi, the Holy Family certainly had their highs and their lows, as we read in the gospels, but most remarkable would have been their ordinary, hidden life. Even though the gospels remain silent on much of their family life, we could certainly imagine the humble transition the Holy Family had to make from the events at Bethlehem to their home life in Nazareth; raising their family, living their Jewish faith, going to work, preparing meals and doing chores, and keeping commitments to family ties and friendships. Our lives are no different.

The 'ordinary' time of our lives, and for the Church, is precisely the time that we can use the graces and blessings received from the special liturgical seasons to practice our Christian virtues in our work and home, to be the light of Christ in our daily encounters with others, to lean on God in our struggles, and to be someone to lean on in somebody else’s struggles. The spirit of Opus Dei, founded by St Josemaria Escriva, teaches us how to live a holy life in the 'ordinary'. St Josemaria says in Passionately Loving the World (no. 52), “God is calling you to serve him in and from the ordinary. . .There is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it”.

As you journey through this new year, may the grace of God, and the peace of Christ carry you and sustain you, and may you share God's blessings with those whom he has placed in your life. 

Don’t let your life be sterile. Be useful. Blaze a trail.

Shine forth with the light of your faith and of your love.”

(The Way, 1)

For related reading go to the St Josemaria website:

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